Homefront steam download
Homefront steam download

I just installed XCOM: Enemy Unknown on Linux for the first time in my user directory (nothing is shared with Windows) and I get this error. Once you install it in a clean Linux only directory you should be able to play without any problems. The Valve server only has one version of the Linux data that you can download and it has lower case folder names, as you mentioned you had an upper case Binaries folder this shows you must have some Windows install data installed in the folder somehow as only the Windows install has a capital letter in the Binaries folder with a similar file structure. If you do a clean install of the Linux one after making sure manually all data was deleted the game will install correctly. The issue you mentioned only happens if you try and install the Windows and Linux versions on the same Steam library folder (or something similar like copying Windows data to save time). These instructions below will work on Linux but not on Windows or Mac.

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Linux issue is different PappaJoe and is due to your instalation setup having issues. fix does not work, even if i put the file where it has to go Originally posted by pappajoes:Same error on linux.

Homefront steam download